
Showing posts from November, 2018

RpoB Processing

This blog details the dereplication and taxnomic assignment of reads using rpoB. Also included in this markdown script is taxonomic visualizations. rpoB_analysis Cody Glickman 11/18/2018 Purpose This pipeline details the steps to process rpoB sequencing reads into a format for BLAST processing and subsequent analysis. The workflow details the steps needed to process the data from raw reads to taxonomic identification. This pipeline requires additional tools detailed below and was tested on a MAC OS Mohave. More information can be found at my GitHub Requirements BLAST // NR Database // seqkit // vsearch // Concatenation Script Concatenate rpoB Reads The chunk below contains commands executed on the command line. The script concatenate_reads should be located in the folder above the paired unzipped fasta files. ## Unzip paired end reads for f in folder/*; do gzip -d $f; done; ## Make directory and move zippe...